Pressure point striking and nerve manipulation designed to paralyze any attack meant to harm. The Sanjuriu Karate jutsu curriculum uses old-style Samurai Randori to develop realistic practice, person to person training to establish modern and old-style understanding of the human anatomy and autonomic response system to learn exploit weakness and understand the mechanics of healing, and realistic interpretation of forms (Kata) to create a complete self-defense system, building balance, co-ordination, pin point accuracy. Karate-jutsu can give the karatedoka fantastic power, which can bring harmony and pleasure into his or her life, teach respect and patience, open his or her virtues, but also, if necessary, change him or her into impetuous and violent hurricane sweeping away everything, not giving the opponent a chance to survive.
Before the modernization of Karate, the art was used as warfare training exclusively. The method of communicating the art was always through kata. Warriors would train for war while hiding their techniques from any on looking enemy. With the modernization of Karate, kata have become competitive dance like art, the primary purpose of which is beauty, rather than form and function. Many systems teach that Karate is mainly a striking art. This misconception is based on the lack of understanding of the Karate jutsu and the building blocks of kata. Many do not or even try understand the techniques that are found in kata. Techniques found multiple levels of understanding and that through analysis (bunkai), applications (oyo) can be discovered giving basic, mutual combat applications, advanced mutual and defensive applications and advanced grappling and vital point (kyusho jutsu) defensive applications that are suited for the most serious defensive scenarios. This gives Kata a new name “Mini Wars". Each Kata is a war from start to finish, every movement every step a glorious victory over multiple enemies. To begin to understand the Mysteries of the Kata is a must on the road to becoming a master of training.

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