Naginatajutsu (なぎなた術, 長刀術 or 薙刀術) is the military halberd fighting system of the Samurai. In the early history of its use, the naginata was primarily used against cavalry, as its length kept the wielder a safe distance from horses and their riders. The naginata has its origins with the earliest beginnings of the warrior classes in the seventh and eighth centuries A.D. The Japanese authorities date the oldest regular school of naginata technique back to 116 it began its history in feudal Japan as warlords battled for power over the land. The naginata was heavily relied upon due to its length and combined powers of cutting and thrusting. Opponents whether on foot or mounted on horseback were effectively neutralized by projection of a coarse handle, stabbed by the iron ferrule or cut down by long swooping motions of the blade. The naginata took several forms. The most common one had a socketed or tanged blade some 36 inches or more in length. The shaft was always stoutly banded and longer than the blade. A second form was the nagemaki or horse leg cutter, a heavy, very long sword mounted on a shorter sturdy shaft. Both weapons were very popular with warriors, especially in the turbulent monastic armies of the eleventh and twelfth centuries and increasingly so with the warrior class, or bushi, from the twelfth to the fifteenth century.
In early centuries the naginata or nagemake was wielded in strong arching motions, often with the intention to maim the enemy's horse before dealing with the fallen rider. This allowed a man to extend his circle of training to maintain the purity and integrity of Bujutsu. Naginata-jutsu required great stamina in order to swing the heavy weapon along accurate interchanging curves making use of the entire weapon including the blade, the shaft, and the iron ferrule at the butt. Blocking, Cutting, Stabbing and projecting are a huge part of Naginatjutsu as well as much, much more. In fact a master of nagainatajutsu would in turn use every inch and angle into a deadly whirlwind of destruction to even the most powerful of enemies.
."To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace." - General George Washington
"Given enough time, any man may master the physical. With enough knowledge, any man may become wise. It is the true warrior who can master both....and surpass the result." - Tien T'ai
"Mental bearing (calmness), not skill, is the sign of a matured samurai. A Samurai therefore should neither be pompous nor arrogant." - Tsukahara Bokuden.
"The actions of he who masters others, will echo into history. He who masters himself becomes the voice." - Shihan Shepard

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