Self Defense & Safety course for senior citizens.
STATISTICS According to the NCJRS, between 1992 and 1997 31.3 million persons age 65 or older were victims of property and violent crimes, either completed or attempted. These elderly were victims of 2.7 million property and violent crimes, either completed or attempted:
--2.5 million property crimes -- (household burglary, motor vehicle theft, and household theft)
-- 46,000 purse snatchings or pocket pickings
-- 165,000 nonlethal violent crimes (rape, robbery, and aggravated and simple assault)
ISA Martial Arts offers workshops,
seminars, and classes specifically for
seniors called S.D.S. or Senior Defense
The program is presented in three parts as a means to empower participants to
prevent crime and victimization and learn how to overcome fear in their lives:
1. Awareness & Assertiveness as
Crime Prevention Tools.
2. Developing Street &
Residential Safety.
3. Physical Self-Defense
Techniques and Skills.
The techniques taught are simple, easy to learn, and can be modified to each
individual’s ability.
For more information or to schedule a class or seminar call 208-440-9291 or fill out the form below.